One of the major health crises in this country is the opioid epidemic. This situation has been getting a lot more press in recent months, but it has been going on for a long time now. Opioids are incredibly powerful — and addictive — substances that are often associated with medicinal care. Oftentimes, people innocently begin taking prescriotion opioids to treat some injury or pain condition, making the drugs easily available to people from all walks of life. This toxic combination has led to the opioid epidemic.
What it has also done is put a lot of focus on prescription drug charges. Many medicines can be abused and used in the same way as “traditional” drugs such as heroin, cocaine and methamphetamine. With the opioid epidemic in the headlines, police and prosecutors are certainly paying attention to people who possess, use or traffic these substances, moving the drug trade from the street corner setting into the medical and pharmaceutical office setting.
The problem, of course, is that there are many people who are legally possessing these substances due to a prescription that they need to deal with their medical condition. Sometimes people are accused of crimes they didn’t actually commit, or the charges themselves don’t fit the actual crime. Sometimes their identity is compromised and unkonwigly used by others to traffic in illegal presecription drugs. This all can result in serious prescription drug charges against a patient, a doctor, a pharmacist or someone they employ.
May the charges be related to prescription drugs or other substances, it is imperative that the accused have a defense attorney on their side. Your lawyer will not only uphold your rights, but give you advice and answer your pressing questions. At the Law Offices of Michael V. Cibella, we focus on our clients and help them to build a strong defense to the case against them.